MN: a day in the life: CHinEsE NeW YeaR

Monday, February 19

CHinEsE NeW YeaR

Happy New Year (again)! SCSU celebrated another Chinese New Year. Several of my friends and coworkers, pictured below, put on an entertaining evening of Chinese music, dance and food. Admittingly, I have had much tastier Chinese food elsewhere, but it proved to be a good time nonetheless. Above, Dustin & I are on Dessert #5: gummy worms in sour milk...yikes, nothing like ending the meal with THAT taste in your mouth...

Fellow TA's & friends: Vivian, Ting Ting & Yuan Yuan
Red is worn for good luck in the new year...

Afterwards, some other TAs stopped by my place for some drinks and games.
From left to right: Sam, Val & Jim. Good hangout--next time, hot tubbing... :)


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