This blog is for my friends and family in Japan who are as interested in American culture as I am Japanese. がんばってください!あきらめないで!
Monday, August 13
We Are the Champions!
This summer marks my first attempt at playing slow-pitch softball. I played on two leagues this summer and am actually starting to kinda enjoy playing this mock-fast pitch style of game. So, Dustin asked me to play on his work team. As it turned out, the team ended up being really fun and quite competitive! We played well together and seemed to really start playing as a team in these final weeks going into play-offs. So perhaps it is without surprise that our team took the championship, winning 10-6, in front of a packed house of fans and fellow INH coworkers! Thanks INH for letting me pitch in this season - looking forward to a repeat performance again next year! :)
Location: Beopseong, Yeonggwang, Jeollanamdo, South Korea
I became an obsessive blogger while teaching in Japan a couple of years ago. I returned to Minnesota to finish my Master's degree. My boyfriend and I are moving to South Korea to try our luck in the Korean English classrooms this year :)
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