MN: a day in the life: last day of junior high school

Friday, May 9

last day of junior high school

I love this picture of these girls!
They seem so happy to be learning English and gaining cultural awareness....
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Well, they take good pictures anyway :)
Today was the last day with these crazyspazzy 7-8th graders. They have another 5 weeks left of classes, but I am FINISHED! It's been a learning experience and I definitely have a better understanding of the refugee population's needs (academic and otherwise). I know my experiences in South Korea will be COMPLETELY different than this school -- but a wonderful opportunity just the same! Above: Shafi (sometimes up to no good) and Fahma
Below: Naimo, Fadumo (typical "cool" girl) & Hodan (smart and polite!)

Above: Sadik (always smiling) & Fahma (always laughing)
Below: Naimo (usually grumbling but manages a smile here :)
Group shot with most of the boys in the class is below...
lots of energy with this group (and as a result, LOTS of patience was required!)
as you can see from the photos, they are a pretty unforgettable group of kids!
wishing them luck as they head to high school!


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