This blog is for my friends and family in Japan who are as interested in American culture as I am Japanese. がんばってください!あきらめないで!
Saturday, June 21
another reunion!
This one is from a get together of old, new and current ESL TA's. We started the nite off with a little competition @ the local mini-golf course and ended on a high note w/ a few drinks at our usual watering hole. I've SO enjoyed working with all of you and will continue to rely on you for innovate ideas and support! :) Best wishes to you all!
Location: Beopseong, Yeonggwang, Jeollanamdo, South Korea
I became an obsessive blogger while teaching in Japan a couple of years ago. I returned to Minnesota to finish my Master's degree. My boyfriend and I are moving to South Korea to try our luck in the Korean English classrooms this year :)
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