MN: a day in the life: sayonara #6: jonai-sho

Monday, July 3

sayonara #6: jonai-sho

Every goodbye seems to get a little easier. How can this be? Am I subconsciously becoming desensitized to the tears and tight squeezes of these little pumpkins?
I'm not sure what my deal was today. The job was participated, teachers observed and my plans went perfectly. Yet I didn't feel quite like myself...Maybe it was the nasty school lunch that was served...uni-soup! (please read previous posting on sea urchin horror stories) Or maybe it was the nasty rainy weather we've been having (again read previous postings) which meant I couldn't enjoy the otherwise-gorgeous scenery of Jonai's mountains. Or maybe I'm overtired cos the briteness of the 'rain clouds' woke me up around 3 AM! 3 weeks left on the job - 3 weeks left of the rainy season. Maybe the rainy season has put me in a fog? hope my head, and the weather, clear soon.
another one bites the dust...Goodbye Jonai Elementary School!


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