MN: a day in the life: eternity..?

Friday, September 8


One of the biggest changes in coming back here is realizing how much everyone has grown in ONE year's time! So many weddings, engagements and bridal showers that I missed out on cos I was away. Bad timing on my part. Guess no one really knows when and where true love awaits. Here are JUST A FEW of the many pictures I have received from friends displaying their proposals, ceremonies and marriages. Good luck everyone! Congratulations!

Lisa & GreggSheila & Joe
Sara & Joel
Kels & Gabe
Cassie & Kyle
Serena & Adam

ok so some of these aren't NEW marriages, but the idea of marriage is so foreign to me right now that it might as well have happened just a year ago! xoxoxoxoxxoox love to you couples! don't forget your single and searching friend over here! ;) take care folks!


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