MN: a day in the life: 1st day of summer

Wednesday, July 26

1st day of summer

true to japan's notorious reputation for extreme weather came as no surprise that on the first OFFICIAL day of 'summer vacation' = SUMMER arrived. it was a muggy, sunny some 80+ degrees today. JUST in time for all of us to be OUT of the chilly classrooms we were subjected to all year long. i awoke to the ever-annoying 'organized community stretches' song and dance that BLARES over the town's loudspeakers at 7:00 AM every day of 'summer vacation'. exhausted from 5 consecutive days of significant amounts of alcohol being consumed, i rolled outta the futon and went for a run, and then we headed to some nearby beaches to catch some sun and sea breeze. my allergies are so terrible (reminscent of LAST summer when i arrived), but 52 weeks later, FINALLY its summer again!


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