This blog is for my friends and family in Japan who are as interested in American culture as I am Japanese. がんばってください!あきらめないで!
Saturday, August 12
future family?
The Kudou Family This is Munehisa...a good friend who has been on my site many times before. Tonite was an interesting last hangout...with much talk of future hangouts and weddings. Yes, while its true I find Munehisa quite desirable, I am moving 8000 KM away from him in less than a week. Definition of bad timing. But I really appreciated the great lengths of trying to pull together the inlaws for a special sayonara/keep-anne-in-japan party! I couldn't very well turn down a proposal on the spot, so we decided on 'someday'. Ha...what a nite! Above is Munehisa's equally gorgeous better half...'Chi'-chan. She would be a fab sister in-law, but I will settle for super friend for now! ;) More Kudo' was nice to meet you! thanks for the memories of match-making! Munehisa/future husband/current friend, I will miss you!
Location: Beopseong, Yeonggwang, Jeollanamdo, South Korea
I became an obsessive blogger while teaching in Japan a couple of years ago. I returned to Minnesota to finish my Master's degree. My boyfriend and I are moving to South Korea to try our luck in the Korean English classrooms this year :)
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