MN: a day in the life: relaxin in rural mn

Saturday, October 14

relaxin in rural mn

L-R: Shinobu, Justin & TBird
Huge thanks to Justin for putting us up for the evening @ his humble abode. Fabulous times, thoughtful conversation, superb food (Venison-helper = a first for both me AND Shinobu), bottomless drinks...Justin you are the HOST with the MOST! Thanks again for giving us an excuse to get away from suburbiaworld for a minute, and get doses of deer, horses, turkeys, goats and dogs!
I'm looking forward to the next hangout, your place or mine, anytime!

the mood, the dudes, the tunes...bliss
My best buddies

nearly a decade of friendship later & yet time proves to be on our side


the remnants of a glacial ridge - just the tip of the iceberg...


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