MN: a day in the life: pre-xmas-fest

Tuesday, December 18


Every year in December, my parents host the Parry Annual Christmas Party. This year's celebration included about 40 of their high school friends and neighbors. I didn't put a lot of their pictures on here (as they hold respectable jobs around town... :) but...
I thought I'd put a few of the appropriate ones below:
Guitar Hero was a huge hit.
Even amongst the older folks - everyone wanted to take a stab at their dream of becoming a RoCkStAr (if only for one nite), proving that age ain't nothin' but a number. some rocked out (above) others danced the nite away
(aren't my parents SO cute in the picture below!?!)

Paff - sporting a not-so-obvious advertisement for the Big Buck - provided wine tasting (a true entrepeneur finds ways to profit off of anything).
A rather nice addition to the usual Parry festivities...
Laura & I were Guitar Hero groupies...
Pictured below: My parents are THE cUtEsT!
I only hope to be so happy after 30+ years of marriage... :)
XoOXoxOOXxo [love you both so much!]
...our wine connosieurs are pictured belOw...
well, we didn't drink any wine that nite, but I think Dustin could give you a few stories about his Tequila encounters....(gross).... well, those that he can remember anyway. As for me, responsible partygoer that I am - woke up after a short but splendid evening of sleep, feeling fantastic!


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