MN: a day in the life: Hiraizumi: Chusonji

Friday, September 23

Hiraizumi: Chusonji

Hiraizumi in the Iwate Prefecture

Temples galore @ Chisonji Park. Surrounded by 400 year old cedar trees (reminiscent of California redwoods...), temples and pagodas line the sides of the Tsukimi Zaka walkway. The temples survived years of war and much was completely destroyed over thousands of years. Around 1300, some repairs, renovations were done to preserve what had survived and the remaining temples are now on display for everyone to view. Built during the Heinan period, Chusonji has over 5300 sacred scrolls (akin to the bible) housed in its of the largest collections in all of Japan! After about a 10 minute walk, we are deep into this lush forest full of historically significant temples--with an eery stillness and/or peacefulness. So happy to have taken part in this important part of Japanese culture and lifestyle.
One of my favorite parts....a HUGE Bamboo forest! They didn't even look real! Vibrant shades of green and lime, these trees actually sound hollow inside. Very beautiful and exotic in least to my foreign eyes!

When visiting the temple, most people leave a small donation at the altar. Just a few cents really, its the thought that counts. You value and respect those who have passed on ahead of you...anways, after you do that you pick up a small white envelope that holds the key to your future. You open your packet and find a charm---good charms and bad charms. If you do not have a "good luck charm" --like Taira---you need to tie your misfortunate note on a tree or designated area. Poor Taira--good thing she is leaving her "bad luck" behind...Junko and I lucked out and got the best possible charms
(w/ which we dropped into our pockets for continued luck!)

Many rituals while attending the temples. 2 is the magic number:
2 claps, 2 handfuls of incense (shown above), 2 bows and sound the gong...yep, you guessed it--twice of course!

Junko, Anne and Taira: 3 amigos
Thank you so much for taking me with you! What a great road trip! From the northernmost part of Iwate to the southern most part...all in 12 hours! The toll road/expressway is the next most efficient means of travel (second to the shinkansen). we traveled over 350 miles in about 6 hours (through super mountainous terrain, mind you!) The expressway has no speed limit apparently...
zipping along @ 125 KM/HR was crazy!
Taking a bit of a break...I always enjoy having a moment or two to reflect on all of the new things around me. It is still REALLY overwhelming, but I am here to maximize and
see & do as much as possible! Sleep is overrated right?

The temples were beautiful. They all had the "basics", but they also had some extra flair that set it apart from the others. I really enjoyed trying to find the diversity within the temples...different colors of flowers, different types of statues and different materials (wood, bronze and metal).

So pictures aren't allowed in the main attraction, Konjikido, which is semi-pictured above. The Chisonji Temple grounds have many beautiful over 20 temples of different sizes and shapes and an additional 40 bronzed figurines in a museum within the forest...but this one was amazing. HUGE bronze figures and beautiful pearl inlets adorning the statues. There are 3 altars, where these huge figures sit above them. The mummified remains are kept under the altar---the only place in the world where 4-generations of a family are situated in one building! It was really somethin'....too bad the pics don't back me up!


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