MN: a day in the life: yamato-sho

Monday, December 19


Alas, my initial visits to every single elementary school in Taneichi have come to a close. They are 9 in total and the total population within all schools combined is about 400. Of course they don't combine 400 students in one building, eliminate 15 teachers and cut the school budget in half... (they would save oodles of money on NOT heating 9 ghetto buildings with old, inefficient kerosene heaters. put everyone in one school and let them keep eachother warm. but what do i know, im only from the coldest state in the USA).
Today, I visited Yamato Elem---a 15 minute ride up into the mountains, as pictured below. Aside from fearing for my life and hoping I wouldn't get into an accident (no cell phone and I only saw 2 cars the entire way!), it was a great way to get the morning started! I heard Yamato was the smallest of all schools: 11 students in K-6 (21 students including the junior high) So, naturally, I was picturing a really quaint little shack nestled in a snowbank in the middle of nowhere. And, once again, I was shocked by the size of the school that, despite not meeting OSHA standards, would easily hold 1000 students in the USA.
I've blabbed on about how rewarding these experiences are, and today was no exception. I gave my intro shpeel to the school--all 11 of them watching intently. We covered so many topics: money, time, numbers and greetings in about 1 hour! The students were eager to speak English and their skills might be the best of any elementary I have been to. (Especially the 8th graders that I got to work with! Good job Chiba-sensei!) There is something to be said for small class sizes, but this is like a tutoring service! These kids are all way ahead of their peer counterparts. The best part of the day was participating in this japanese quiz game, narrated IN ENGLISH by the sixth graders. After getting drilled, and passing their test, I got to drill them with some English and then with baseballs...I got to throw batting practice for the school. This is the fourth school I have gotten to live my dream of being a phy-ed teacher...those people really have it made! All in a day's work eh? So now you are thinking: Does she "need" a month long vacation! Needs and wants...what more can I say!?
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