MN: a day in the life: my japanese dads

Thursday, July 6

my japanese dads

What a reunion this quickly 3 months past without seeing my japanese father figures...and look at the positive influence they have over me! what role models, what sweet hearts, what unforgettable friends! Tonite was Sayonara Party Part I, part II takes place in 2 weeks. I'm not sure what kinda chemistry we have going on, but these guys are the coolest drinking buddies ever. Not only do they pick up the tab, pour my drinks and cook for me....their ultra-broken japanglish, humorous-but-well-intentioned, makes for the most entertaining of hangouts. It's been awhile since I've posted on here is a brief bio to refresh your memory...
"Ma"-san: traveling salary man, married, i teach his daughter, his english skills are pretty decent amongst this particular crew, and he is THE teddy bear of the bunch.
Toshi: he is a Japanesey version of John Travolta/Jim Belushi/Jack Black all rolled into one. he works at the yakuba and lives a couple doors down. one of THE funniest people i have ever met in my life. and so childish and giddy....complete escapism (which is necessary to maintain my sanity in this crazy country and culture!)
Mitsuo-san: he owns the local photo shop. i frequent his place quite a bit and love his uncharacteristically japanese laid-back-hippie-free-spirited-style. the oldest, least mature, one of the bunch. come to think of it, it's kinda like MY real Dad.
Tadami-san: he owns a computer graphics company in Taneichi. but he's far from the computerhackernerd stereotype. tadami is a marathon runner, karaoke lover and my workout companion. notorious for his inability to take decent photographs, he is one of the most reliable/trustworthy pals i have made over here.
See Mom & Dad...I'm in GREAT hands over here! ;)
Actually, I've never experienced such an outpouring of love from people I have known but a few short months and hung out with only a handful of times...some might say they must be 'shallow' friendships, but with Japanese that isn't the case at all. They are SO embracing and respectful and well, fatherly in this case, it feels like buddies from college.

No worries, no male strippers were hired. This is just an indication of Taizo's alcohol intolerance. I've written about Taizo before and since he is only a few years older than me, he's not very fatherly. but he is a super sweet guy, currently on unemployed and looking for temp work in the nursing home scene. he also, to my surprise, has a wrestleresque body (which he decided to flaunt in several pictures that i can't post, cos this site is 'student friendly'!!)

;) wild times in japan. but hey, i gotta keep SOME of it private. sorry!

the Dad's ~ 2006


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